Saturday, 12 June 2010

Commentators and my pet hates

Do you know that when big global events come round like the World Cup and the Olympics, we are all waiting with a sense of anticipation only to find that the commentators spoil much of it with their inane drivel, and their highly inflated vocal patterns that turn the coverage from either a mellow and laid back chilled out individual, to that of a demented warrior who hasn't experienced real excitement in all their lives. I guess it is a sign of age when I make a rant about it but for many, the destruction of the grammatical content of our language is somewhat disconcerting. For example, certain tried and tested phrases which we have used for many years suddenly get a new structure and what on earth are they talking about?  The worst offenders are " they are nearly home and hosed " and the classic " we have to prevent getting beat !!! "  getting beat ? what sort of example are we setting to future generations when high profile commentators cannot even grasp the rudiments of simple basic everyday English? It is laziness to the extreme, and what for goodness sake, does " home and hosed " actually mean? home and dry I can understand, but hosed? this implies that the subjects were wet to begin with??? I will never understand the propensity for these so called reporters to crucify our language with such ridiculous phrases. Is it to find a level with those whose educational abilities were compromised early in life and isn't that somewhat patronising to them that these well paid people still seem to have little concept or comprehension of what language actually brings to a nation. I despair at times and wonder where we, as a country, have gone wrong over the years to allow such a poor grasp of language to pervade our media and television screens, where so much influence is meted out to the young with a diet of soap operas and poor intellectual communication. Is it any wonder that nowadays there seems to be a dumbing down of standards across the board, and that no one seem to be doing anything about it as that would be considered " uncool ", oh look, even I am not averse to such lingo.....woops there I go again.

CASE CLOSED I think .....!!!!

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