Friday, 2 March 2012

Kindles and the beauty of owning one !!

To those of us that had been brought up on books as children, but for some reason have lost the habit of reading regularly, there is a simple answer. Get a Kindle ereader because it has, quite frankly, re-ignited my desire to read than ever before. I used to find books somewhat tedious and hard work partly turning pages and partly due to sheer lethargy however having a Kindle in your hand is quite amazing, something stirs within, that actually makes me want to quench my thirst for further literary knowledge. Just clicking on a side button to turn a page is wonderful and to alter the font size of a work is something that could never be accomplished with a hardware edition of a novel. It can also store so many books within its relatively compact frame and the portability of it certainly outweighs the burden of carrying large heavy books around with you in your bag or car and quite simply it has re-energised my love for books and the pleasure that is created from reading has been re-kindled. Bloggers I urge you to consider investing in a kindle if you haven't already done so for the sheer delight and pleasure it can give you on a pleasant Sunday afternoon, but then of course, any day will do. Happy reading and creativity to you all.

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